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Liturgical Ministers

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”                                                                                                                                                                                            -1 Peter 4:10

Altar Servers – Adult
Adult servers are used primarily to serve at funeral liturgies. Training is provided. 


Altar Servers – Youth
High School students as well as children in grade six and up are invited to assist the priest at weekend liturgies. Servers may also be asked to serve weddings, special liturgical feasts and other celebrations. This ministry is open to day school and PSR students.


Art and Environment: A&E
A&E is involved with the preparation of the church for each liturgical season and weekend Masses. Anyone with an appreciation of liturgy and a desire to help enhance it are welcome. If you have talents in the visual arts then you are most welcome. The committee meets as needed in preparation for the seasons and the time to decorate.

Please contact Karen Cocita if interested:


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Ministers of the Eucharist have a special responsibility to assist the clergy in the distribution of Holy Communion in the forms of the Body and Blood of Jesus. If you feel called to be an E.M., please contact a member of the staff for discussion. Certain criteria and a Diocesan training session are required. 


Lectors proclaim the Word of God during weekend Masses and other liturgical celebrations after prayerfully reviewing the Scriptures. Periodic training and updates are provided.


Music Ministry

Our Music Ministry program welcomes new members throughout the year. If interested contact Julia Wallace ( Current members can find information and resources here. ​


Ushers welcome and offer seating assistance to those attending Mass. They also assist in the taking of the weekly offering, the sending forth of the gifts and the distribution of the weekly bulletin. This ministry is open to men and women, including young adults.

Contact Information


(216) 226-7577

Staff directory

Parish Office Hours


Monday - Friday

9:00am - 4:00pm


Closed for lunch




15800 Montrose Ave.

Cleveland, OH  44111

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